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2024-02-10 07:15:00 | 高校选途网





北欧(Nordic Europe)是政治地理名词,特指北欧理事会的五个主权国家 :瑞典、挪威、芬兰、丹麦、冰岛。北欧国家的人口密度在欧洲相对较低,经济水平则最高。丹麦的人均国民生产总值均遥居世界前列。林业、水力发电、铁矿开采、渔业、造船业和航运业,均为北欧的传统经济部门。下面是我为大家带来的,学生为什么会选择北欧瑞典留学,希望能够帮助到大家。












比起欧美其他国家, 北欧四国的犯罪率是很低的,尤其是芬兰,是世界上犯罪率最低的国家。这四个国家的社会安定,治安状况较好,当地的居民对人热情友善,因此,在北欧四国生活会更轻松和自由。











瑞典中部大学 (Mid Sweden University)

瑞典乌普萨拉大学 (Uppsala University)

瑞典于默奥大学 (Umeå University)

瑞典克里斯蒂安斯塔德大学 (Kristianstad University)

瑞典卡尔斯塔德大学 (Karlstad University)

瑞典厄勒布鲁大学 (Örebro University)

瑞典哈姆斯塔德大学 (Halmstad University)

瑞典哥德堡大学 (University of Gothenburg)

瑞典布罗斯大学 (University of Borås)

瑞典延雪平大学 (Jönköping University)

瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学 (Stockholm University)

瑞典林奈大学 (Linnaeus University)

瑞典林雪平大学 (Linköping University)

瑞典梅拉达伦大学 (Mälardalen University)

瑞典索德脱恩大学 (Södertörn University)

瑞典耶夫勒大学 (University of Gävle)

瑞典舍夫德大学 (University of Skövde)

瑞典西部大学 (University West)

瑞典达拉那大学 (Dalarna University)

瑞典隆德大学 (Lund University)

瑞典马尔默大学 (Malmö University)


斯德哥尔摩皇家音乐学院 (KMH Royal College of Music in Stockholm)

斯德哥尔摩艺术大学 (Stockholm University of the Arts)

瑞典体育及健康科学学院 (GIH The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences)

瑞典农业科学大学 (SLU Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)

瑞典卡罗琳斯卡医学院 (Karolinska Institutet)

瑞典吕勒奥理工大学 (Luleå University of Technology)

瑞典工艺美术与设计大学 (Konstfack)

瑞典布京理工学院 (BTH Blekinge Institute of Technology)

瑞典斯德哥尔摩经济学院 (Stockholm School of Economics)

瑞典查尔姆斯理工大学 (Chalmers University of Technology)

瑞典皇家理工学院 (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)

瑞典皇家美术学院 (Royal Institute of Art)

瑞典索菲亚赫美大学 (Sophiahemmet University)

瑞典艾尔塔申达勒大学学院 (Ersta Sköndal University College)。





1    瓦赫宁根大学

2    加州大学戴维斯分校

3    瑞典农业大学

4    Agro,巴黎高科

5    康奈尔大学

6    苏黎世联邦理工大学(瑞士联邦理工学院)

7    中国农业大学

8    威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校

9    加州大学伯克利分校

10    密歇根州立大学

11    根特大学

12    雷丁大学

13    哥本哈根大学

14    爱荷华州立大学

15    普渡大学

16    德州农工大学

17    不列颠哥伦比亚大学

18    霍恩海姆大学

19    挪威生命科学大学(UMB)

19    俄勒冈州立大学

21    圭尔夫大学

22    东京大学

23    南京农业大学

24    宾夕法尼亚州立大学

25    佛罗里达大学

26    乔治奥古斯特哥廷根大学

26    昆士兰大学(UQ)

28    奥胡斯大学 高校选途网

29    伊利诺伊大学香槟分校

30    维也纳农业大学






Choose to study in Sweden, and you will find yourself in a nation which has always punched well above its weight. From being the center of an empire in the 17th century, to being the home and birthplace of the Nobel Prize, its influence has long spread well beyond its borders, despite the fact that its total population is no bigger than a large city. Swedish businesses such as Ikea and Volvo are known around the world, and its contributions to popular culture range from bouffant-haired 70s pop aristocrats ABBA to the groundbreaking films of director Ingmar Bergman.

选择在瑞典学习,你会发现自己在一个总是打得比自己重得多的国家。从17世纪的帝国中心到诺贝尔奖的家乡和诞生地,它的影响力早已远远超出了国界,尽管它的总人口并不比大城市大。瑞典的宜家和沃尔沃等公司在世界各地都有知名度,其对流行文化的贡献范围从毛茸茸的70年代流行贵族ABBA到导演Ingmar Bergman的开创性电影。现代瑞典以其社会公正和公平感而闻名。它拥有世界上最高的财富平等水平,世界上最低的性别工资差距之一,公共医疗保健,同性恋和异性恋夫妻的平等权利。加上引人注目的北欧美容,为欧盟学生免费学费(最近引入了非欧盟学生的学费),在瑞典学习的吸引力非常强。接下来跟着我来一起了解一下更多瑞典大学、学生城市、学费等信息吧,希望对您能够有帮助。


As you’d expect from a nation with an economy driven by science and technology, Sweden offers a good selection of universities. It has eight entries in the QS World University Rankings® 2018, all of which are in the top 350. The top five are:


1.隆德大学Lund University Lund University

Lund University is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Northern Europe, and ranks joint 78th in the world. With a large student body of 42,000, students make up almost half the population of the city of Lund, 20% of which are from outside Sweden. The university cooperates with 600 universities in over 70 countries, both in research and in student exchange programs such as Erasmus.


2.英国皇家理工学院Royal Institute of Technology

KTH is Sweden’s largest, oldest and most international polytechnic university and considered one of the best in Europe. Located in the capital, Stockholm, it currently ranks joint 98th in the world, provides a third of Sweden’s research and engineering education, and has consistently ranked as one of the top 40 universities for engineering and technology subjects.


3.乌普萨拉大学Uppsala University

Founded in 1477, Uppsala University is the oldest university in both Sweden and all the Nordic countries. It ranks 112th in the QS World University Rankings 2018 and has 43,591 students enrolled. The university’s long history of prestigious education makes it a member of the Coimbra Group, an association of longstanding institutions of a high international standard.


4.查尔莫斯理工大学Chalmers University of Technology

Located in Gothenburg, Chalmers University of Technology is another very strong polytechnic university, ranked 133rd in the world overall and within the top 100 for engineering and technology subjects. Over a third of students enrolled on master’s programs at Chalmers are international, which may be partly due to the fact all master’s courses are taught in English.


5.斯德哥尔摩大学Stockholm University

Stockholm University is the Swedish capital’s state university and is currently ranked joint 195th in the world. It’s one of Scandinavia’s largest universities, educating more than 70,000 students in four faculties. Stockholm University offers many programs in English and is currently ranked within the top 100 universities in the world for arts and humanities.


Other internationally ranked universities in Sweden include the University of Gothenburg (ranked joint 283rd), Linköping University (joint 287th) and Umeå University (338th). In addition, Sweden is home to a number of prestigious specialized institutions, including the medical-focused Karolinska Institute, and the Stockholm School of Economics.




Home to nearly a quarter of Sweden’s population, Stockholm is very much the country’s beating heart. Universities in Stockholm include many of the nation’s most prestigious institutions, such as KTH Royal Institute of Technology, (ranked joint 98th in the world), Stockholm University (ranked joint 195th) and the Karolinska Institute (in the global top 10 for medicine). Stockholm itself is also featured in the QS Best Student Cities 2017, in joint 47th place.Sweden’s capital is known for its beauty, friendliness, culture and high quality of life. As a student, you’ll have plenty of opportunity to explore Stockholm’s buzzing nightlife, bohemian shops and cafés, or perhaps just take a break from studies by relaxing in the parklands of Djurgården Island. Built on 14 islands connected by 57 bridges, Stockholm is also characterized by the fact water is never far away.



Sweden’s second-largest city, Gothenburg is something of a godsend for those who are not drawn to the quiet, historical, leafy cities in which you’ll find many of Sweden’s universities. Universities in Gothenburg include two high-ranking institutions: the Chalmers University of Technology (ranked 133rd in the world) and the University of Gothenburg (joint 283rd).Gothenburg is more affordable than many other Swedish cities, and has plenty of pubs and bars. The port town is also renowned for its continental feel and its friendly locals, and has a charming historical district of its own, so you needn’t feel like you’re missing out. Gothenburg is also featured in the QS Best Student Cities index at joint 53rd, reflecting the great student experience it offers.



A small and student-centered city, Lund dates back to the 10th century, and is known as something of a hub for high-tech companies, as well as being famed for its excellent university. The second-oldest university in Sweden, Lund University is the country’s highest-ranking institution, at joint 78th in the QS World University Rankings 2018. The city’s position at the southern tip of Sweden means that it also offers plenty of opportunities for travel, making it an excellent choice for students keen to explore more of Europe in between semesters.



Sweden’s fourth-largest city, Uppsala is a leafy canal-lined city which boasts its very own castle. It’s home to Sweden’s oldest and third highest-ranking institution, Uppsala University (112th in the world). Like Lund, Uppsala appeals not only for the prestige of its university, but also for its lively student community. Though small, both Uppsala and Lund have vibrant student scenes, including opportunities to find student jobs in the bars and other organizations at the heart of student life. Located towards the east of the country, about an hour’s drive north of Stockholm, Uppsala is also well placed for trips to the rest of Europe.



Much further up the eastern coast, Umeå is by far the most northerly of the locations mentioned here, offering a base from which lovers of the wilderness can strike out and enjoy the stark beauty of northern Sweden. If you’re feeling brave, it’s a mere 400km from the Arctic Circle. But, although it’s fairly small and remote, Umeå is no backwater. It’s known for being something of research hub, with a sizable student population, reasonable nightlife and enough culture to have earned the title of European Capital of Culture in 2014. Umeå University is ranked within the world's top 350, and the city is also home to a branch of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (ranked fourth in the world for agriculture and forestry).



For Swedish university admissions, you should use the centralized University Admissions application portal, Universityadmissions.se. University is free for Swedish citizens and citizens of EU countries. However, fees have been introduced for non-EU citizens. These are set individually by each university, and you can expect to pay somewhere between SEK90,000 and 150,000 (around US$10,560-17,595) depending on your degree. Non-EU students must also pay an application fee of SEK900 (US$106) – this remains the same no matter how many courses or programs you apply for.

Student visa requirements for Sweden differ depending on whether or not you are from an EU nation.If you are not from the EU/EEA: Sweden in winter

You will require a residence permit in order to study in Sweden, which you can get from your local Swedish embassy. The application cost for both student residence permits and a permit to seek employment after completing your studies in Sweden is SEK1,000 (US$117).

In order to obtain a study permit you will need to prove you have been admitted onto a course, that you have comprehensive health insurance and that you can support yourself for the duration of your course. At present, you are required to have SEK8,010 (around US$940) a month for at least 10 months for every year of your stay, in addition to your fees (the first instalment of which must be paid before you’ll receive your permit). You must have enough money for the whole period of study at the time of your initial application. The required amount is reduced if you are receiving free lodging or food, or if you have a scholarship.

You will need to renew your permit annually.


对于瑞典大学的招生,你应该使用集中的大学入学申请门户,大学入学考试。大学对瑞典公民和欧盟国家公民是免费的。然而,非欧盟公民是需要交纳一定的费用。每一所大学分别设置这些课程,根据你的学位你需要支付的费用大概在在9万到15万之间(约合10,560 - 17,595美元)。非欧盟学生也必须支付SEK900的申请费(106美元)——不管你申请多少课程或项目,这都是一样的。





